List of features to include in EViews 13

For making suggestions and/or requests for new features you'd like added to EViews.

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List of features to include in EViews 13

Postby tvonbrasch » Sat Dec 25, 2021 11:34 pm


Here is an update of the post ( and a list of features (in prioritised order) I hope you can add to Eviews 13:

- Improve window behaviour It would be great if one could fix the windows in EViews so that certain program files were in say one quadrant of the window, workfiles in another, graphs in a third, etc, similar to e.g. Matlab, see

- Remove add-ins using code See the post

- Allow for exogenous variable to enter the cointegrating space in a VEC models, this has been on your to do list for 10 years see: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5340&p=26814#p26814. See also the excellent suggestions in the post

- Improve FLIPTYPE, the new FLIPTYPE command is great, but it does not work with add-factors (see

- Allow the endogenous variable to be anywhere in an equation, see (allow the endogenous variable in a model to enter more than once to the left hand side of the equality sign, see As it is now, one has to rewrite e.g., logit models to overcome this problem.

- Stochastic simulation of model containing future values of endogenous variables, see User Manual II, page 756 or post: (a minimum would be to make an addin that passes an Eviews model over to Matlab which is then solved by Dynare (see and where the results are automatically transferred back to Eviews)

- Logmode, create list of programs executed from a program-file , see

- ARDL function: allow the user to impose restrictions on the long run cointegrating relationship (eg homogeneity restrictions), see

- Allow for multidimensional matrices : as in Matlab, see:

- 3D graphs : it should be possible to make 3D graphs in EViews, see post:

- Printing of Norwegian vowels in pdf documents, see

- Click-based model simulation and scenario analysis See post:

- Links to PDFs, URLs or Word documents It would be great if one could provide a link to a PDF, a word-file or a web-page in the EViews workfile, see

- Allow for importing data directly using API in Jason-Stat format. There are now plenty of organisations offering data freely using APIs, see

- Allow moving statistics functions inside models, see viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12720&p=44355&hilit=%40meansby+model#p44355

- Copy all series in a workpage using copy command viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19146

- Improve the Eviews optimizer, see viewtopic.php?f=10&t=15917&p=53141#p53141.

- Allow Eviews to connect with https addresses, see forum post:

- Make window for active scenario wider see

I am looking forward to EViews 13 :-)

Keep up the great work!

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