Determination of deterministic regressors (ADF)

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Determination of deterministic regressors (ADF)

Postby NicolasR » Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:39 am


The code below shows a way to perform the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and to detect deterministic components in a series. It is based on Enders, W. (2008). Applied econometric time series. John Wiley & Sons. As the author mention no procedure can be expected to work well if it is used in a completely mechanical fashion, therefore the procedure should be taken as a suggestion.

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'Nicolas Ronderos Pulido. November of 2014. '--------------------------Inputs------------------------------- %series="x" 'Series name scalar significance=0.1 'Significance levels for the tests 0.1,0.05,0.025 or 0.01 '------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Step 1 matrix results freeze(uroot_ct){%series}.uroot(trend,info=aic,save=results) if uroot_ct(7,5)<=significance then 'If the null is rejected (there is not unit root) @uiprompt("The series does not contain a unit root") delete results significance uroot_ct stop endif 'Step 2 !lags=results(2,1) for !i=1 to !lags %lag=@str(-!i) %lags=%lags+"@d("+%series+"("+%lag+"))" next equation @d({%series}) c {%lags} !ssr_r=@ssr equation @d({%series}) {%series}(-1) {%lags} c @trend freeze(unrestricted_tc) unrestricted !ssr_ur=@ssr scalar phi_3=((!ssr_r-!ssr_ur)/2)/(!ssr_ur/(results(1,1)-!lags-3)) scalar obs=@obs({%series}) vector critical_values call cv(obs,significance,critical_values) if phi_3>critical_values(1,3) then ' If the null is rejected (the trend and gamma are non-zero) equation @d({%series}) c @trend {%lags} freeze(t_test_1) t_test1 if t_test_1(10,5)<=significance then 'If the null is rejected (the trend is significative) if unrestricted_tc(9,5)<=significance then ' If the null is rejected (gamma is non-zero) @uiprompt("The series is trend-stationary") stop else @uiprompt("The series contain a unit root and a quadratic trend") ' delete critical_values obs phi_3 restricted results significance t_test1 t_test_1 unrestricted unrestricted_tc uroot_ct stop endif endif endif 'Step 3 freeze(uroot_c){%series}.uroot(const,info=aic,save=results) if uroot_c(7,5)<=significance then 'If the null is rejected (there is not unit root) @uiprompt("The series does not contain a unit root") stop endif if !lags=0 then genr first=@d({%series}) !ssr_r=@sumsq(first) else equation @d({%series}) {%lags} !ssr_r=@ssr endif equation @d({%series}) c {%series}(-1) {%lags} freeze(unrestricted_c) unrestricted !ssr_ur=@ssr scalar phi_1=((!ssr_r-!ssr_ur)/2)/(!ssr_ur/(results(1,1)-!lags-2)) if phi_1>critical_values(1,1) then 'If the null is rejected (the constant and gamma are non-zero) equation @d({%series}) c {%lags} freeze(t_test_2) t_test2 if t_test_2(9,5)<=significance then 'If the null is rejected (the constant is significative) if unrestricted_c(10,5)<=significance then 'If the null is rejected (gamma is non-zero) @uiprompt("The series is stationary around a nonzero mean") stop else @uiprompt("The series contain a unit root and a drift") ' delete critical_values obs phi_1 phi_3 restricted significance t_test2 t_test_2 unrestricted unrestricted_c unrestricted_tc uroot_c uroot_ct results stop endif endif endif 'Step 4 freeze(uroot){%series}.uroot(none,info=aic,save=results) if uroot(7,5)<=significance then 'If the null is rejected (there is not unit root) @uiprompt("The series does not contain a unit root") stop else @uiprompt("The series contain a unit root") ' 'delete critical_values obs first phi_1 phi_3 restricted results significance unrestricted unrestricted_c unrestricted_tc uroot uroot_c uroot_ct stop endif 'Critical values subroutine subroutine local cv(scalar obs,scalar significance,vector critical_values) genr n_=NA n_.fill 25,50,100,250,500,1000 stom(n_,n) vector(6) nearby=@abs(n-obs) for !i=1 to 6 if nearby(!i,1)=@min(nearby) then !position=!i endif next genr criticalphi1=NA genr criticalphi2=NA genr criticalphi3=NA if significance=0.1 then criticalphi1.fill 4.12,3.94,3.86,3.81,3.79,3.78 criticalphi2.fill 4.67,4.31,4.16,4.07,4.05,4.03 criticalphi3.fill 5.91,5.61,5.47,5.39,5.36,5.34 stom(criticalphi1,critical_phi1) stom(criticalphi2,critical_phi2) stom(criticalphi3,critical_phi3) endif if significance=0.05 then criticalphi1.fill 5.18,4.86,4.71,4.63,4.61,4.59 criticalphi2.fill 5.68,5.13,4.88,4.75,4.71,4.68 criticalphi3.fill 7.24,6.73,6.49,6.34,6.30,6.25 stom(criticalphi1,critical_phi1) stom(criticalphi2,critical_phi2) stom(criticalphi3,critical_phi3) endif if significance=0.025 then criticalphi1.fill 6.30,5.80,5.57,5.45,5.41,5.38 criticalphi2.fill 6.75,5.94,5.59,5.40,5.35,5.31 criticalphi3.fill 8.65,7.81,7.44,7.25,7.20,7.16 stom(criticalphi1,critical_phi1) stom(criticalphi2,critical_phi2) stom(criticalphi3,critical_phi3) endif if significance=0.01 then criticalphi1.fill 7.88,7.06,6.70,6.52,6.47,6.43 criticalphi2.fill 8.21,7.02,6.50,6.22,6.15,6.09 criticalphi3.fill 10.61,9.31,8.73,8.43,8.34,8.27 stom(criticalphi1,critical_phi1) stom(criticalphi2,critical_phi2) stom(criticalphi3,critical_phi3) endif vector(1,3) critical_values for !i=1 to 3 critical_values(1,!i)=critical_phi!i(!position) next endsub
As an example you can perfom the procedure in simulated processes. You just have to change the series name in quotes (%series).

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wfcreate u 1 1000 genr x=0 genr y=0 genr z=0 smpl 2 1000 x=x(-1)+nrnd y=0.05+y(-1)+nrnd z=0.05+0.1*@trend+z(-1)+nrnd smpl @all
A summary of the algorithm can be found in the attached graph.
Uroot.png (22.1 KiB) Viewed 23981 times

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