Hi there,
I'm getting a problem with @makevalidname. It cleans the original string as expected, but it adds an "01" at the end of string returned.
For example:
string cleanName = @makevalidname("CSR#(USWOGGG%R,N)")
is returning "CSR__USWOGGG_R_N_01" even though eviews automatically names the series "CSR__USWOGGG_R_N_".
When I try to rename the series CSR__USWOGGG_R_N_ with another name, I get an error message since I'm searching with cleanName "CSR__USWOGGG_R_N_01" which is not found in the workfile.
I've attached the file with just the series.
problem with @makevalidname
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Re: problem with @makevalidname
Probably means there is already an object with that name in the workfile. @makevalid name both checks whether the name is valid, and if there is an existing object with that name. As can be seen in this example:
Code: Select all
close @wf
wfcreate u 100
string cleanName = @makevalidname("CSR#(USWOGGG%R,N)")
show cleanName
series {cleanname}
string cleanName2 = @makevalidname("CSR#(USWOGGG%R,N)")
show cleanname2
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Re: problem with @makevalidname
Ah, I think I get what the problem is coming from.
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