Why is dependent variable in CEC model log(y), but not delta (log(y)) in NARDL?

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Why is dependent variable in CEC model log(y), but not delta (log(y)) in NARDL?

Postby Tetsuya » Mon Jan 27, 2025 1:30 am

Dear everyone,

I am using Eviews 14 to estimate an NARDL model by using log-log form. In the results of CEC model or ECM, the dependent variable is log(y), but not delta log(y). Please tell me why. Thanks a lot.

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Re: Why is dependent variable in CEC model log(y), but not delta (log(y)) in NARDL?

Postby Tetsuya » Wed Jan 29, 2025 5:40 pm

Now I understood that because log(y(t-1)) is on the right side, delta (log(y)) on the left becomes log(y).

Best regards,


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