DOS access ithout EVies interface

For questions regarding programming in the EViews programming language.

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DOS access ithout EVies interface

Postby jlbrillet » Wed May 03, 2023 11:33 am

I got this question from my friend Ali Bayar,

I would like to run an EViews program (.prg file) using a DOS "command prompt" window (or Windows PowerShell without going through the EViews GUI.

When I try the following statement:
"C:/Program Files/EViews 13/EViews13.exe" example.prg
It works but the EViews interface or the "EViews command window" open.
I would like to run the program without any graphical elements of the EViews interface appearing.

What must I do? Is there a start-up option I need to include when I call EViews so that no EViews windows appear?

Is this possible?

Best regards,

jean Louis.

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