Pool objects: include "sum" in the statlist for the makestats procedure

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Pool objects: include "sum" in the statlist for the makestats procedure

Postby mamo » Fri Nov 26, 2021 10:49 am

Dear Eviews team,
I would like to suggest to include the "sum"-statistics in the statlist of the pool procedure "makestats".

For instance, let the pool object "poo" have the cross sectional units "A", "B", and "C"
poo.makestats x_? @ sum
x_sum (=x_A+x_B+x_C)
Best, mamo

EViews Glenn
EViews Developer
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Re: Pool objects: include "sum" in the statlist for the makestats procedure

Postby EViews Glenn » Tue Dec 28, 2021 9:32 am

Hi. Sorry, I just saw this question.

This is a reasonable suggestion, though I can understand why it wasn't originally included as you can easily compute this using the commands

Code: Select all

grp1.makestates x? @ mean obs grp1.genr xsum = xmean / xobs
The same sort of thing is true of the sums-of-squared deviations.

I'll put it on the list.

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