Eviews does not respond or crash when using close-command in User-object

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Eviews does not respond or crash when using close-command in User-object

Postby MartinsFest » Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:28 am

This builds upon this discussion about user-objects: https://forums.eviews.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=21321

I have made a user-object that opens some documentation when viewed. This is what runs when a user views this object:

Code: Select all

%docPath = @replace(@linepath, "_USER-OBJECTS\HELP-BUTTON", "_DOCUMENTATION") + _this.@name +".docx"
spawn explorer %docPath

However, I want the object-view (that says "HELPME object") to close after the spawn-command has opened the documentation.

I have tried including the following, but the object does not automatically close.

Code: Select all

%docPath = @replace(@linepath, "_USER-OBJECTS\HELP-BUTTON", "_DOCUMENTATION") + _this.@name +".docx"
spawn explorer %docPath
close _this.@name

For testing, I have also tried being explicit in the code, writing "close objectname", but then my program crashes more often than not (and this solution is of no real use to me - I would prefer to use "_this.@name", or a similar solution).

I don't see any apparant reason why "close _this.@name" shouldn't work in this case, so I assume it is a bug.

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