Object specific Addin name longer than 16 characters

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Object specific Addin name longer than 16 characters

Postby ErikG » Tue Dec 27, 2022 4:41 am


An object specific addin procedure with a name longer than 16 characters is ignored by Eviews. Longer procedure names work fine if they are not object type specifc. It would be nice with an error message telling the user that the procedure name must be shorter. Try for example:

Code: Select all

Addin(type="series", proc="SuperDuperDuperAddin") C:\Temp\MyAddin.prg
WfCreate C:\temp\temp.wf1 u 1
Series x = 2

The file C:\Temp\MyAddin.prg I tested only has a @uiprompt("hello world") that doesn't show up in this case, but it does if I make the procedure name shorter.

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