Verbose syntax/comment program for rolling panel regression

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Verbose syntax/comment program for rolling panel regression

Postby AbnormalDistribution » Mon Aug 30, 2021 10:24 pm

After reviewing the forum discussions on this topic, such as:


I noticed there has been consistent and even growing interest in rolling panel regression functionality.

However, it would appear that EViews doesn't offer a native function for panel rolling regressions, but one could attempt a program as is discussed here:


However, in many of such threads, the complete rolling regression program hasn't been provided for the panel case.

I was hoping that we could adapt the basic rolling regression EViews Gareth begun:


To mold it into a panel rolling regression, it might be nice to have comments to denote what would change based on cross section and periods included

Purely as an example, in my case:

    Cross sections: 670
    Total (unblanced) observations: 21558

I tried the following code with the as suggested:

Code: Select all


%y = "y"

%const = c
%var1 = "x1"
%var2 = "x2"
%var3 = "x3"
%var4 = "x4"
%var5 = "x5"
%var6 = "x6"
%var7 = "x7"

'run rolling regression

' set window size
!window = 21558
' set step size
!step = 3000
' get size of workfile
!length = @obsrange
' declare equation for estimation
equation eq1
'calculate number of rolls
!nrolls = @round((!length-!window)/!step)

'matrix to store coefficient estimates
matrix(8,!nrolls)  coefmat ' where 8 is the number of coefficients

'variable keeping track of how many rolls we've done

' move sample !step obs at a time
for !i = 1  to  !length-!window+1-!step step !step

   ' set sample to estimation period
   smpl @first+!i-1 @first+!i+!window-2

   ' estimate equation - where the equation is y=c(1) + c(2)*x1 + c(3)*x2 {%y} {%const} {%x1} {%x2} {%x3} {%x4} {%x5} {%x6} {%x7}
   'store coefficients

show coefmat

However, this just gave me a 8x3 matrix. I was expecting 8x50-ish, to cover most of the periods observed. At least for me, it's difficult to figure out how to tweak the syntax to output betas across my desired time horizon.

EViews Gareth
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Re: Verbose syntax/comment program for rolling panel regression

Postby EViews Gareth » Tue Aug 31, 2021 8:52 am

Without thinking about it too much, really the only thing that needs to change in a panel case is the calculation of the number of rolls. Might be easier for you to just calculate it by hand and hard code it.
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