MLE in monte carlo

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MLE in monte carlo

Postby tommyreeson » Wed Dec 16, 2020 1:30 pm


Currently I am doing a monte carlo project on hetroskedascity and I am not sure how to go about MLE estimation in the programming.

I have already generated the model just unsure how one would go MLE, specifically generating a logL object and implementing the model into the code.

Any help would be fantastic :)



Edit: This is the code I have now, forgive the comments I'm working off my lecturers

' OLS Monte Carlo Simulation
!n=30 'number of observations
'set the number of simulations !s in the MC experiment
'or we can call !s the number of artificial data sets
'any scalars starting with "!" will not be saved in the workfile
'they are just used during the program running

'define the workfile range !r
if !n>!s then

cd %fpath
'cd "H:\mc_exe"

workfile mc u 1 !r
smpl 1 !n
'read the explanatory variable from the file generated by mc_genx.prg into a series called x
'read(skipcol=1,skiprow=3) x10.csv x 'to read only one variable
read(skipcol=1,skiprow=2) x30.csv x x2 'to read two variables

vector(3) b 'create a vector to store the true value of intercept and slope
b(1)=1 'true value of intercept
b(2)=2 'true value of the slope
b(3)=3 'true value of the slope'
scalar sigma=0.1 'true value of sigma
scalar sigmasq=sigma^2 'true value of sigma square

series ey=b(1)+b(2)*x+b(3)*x2 'the expected mean of y

scalar df=!n-3 'degrees of freedom for the t test
scalar a=0.05 'set the level of significance
'calculate the critical values for the t-distribution
scalar tlb=@qtdist(a/2,df) 'the t critical value, 2.5% quantile if a=0.05
scalar tub=@qtdist(1-a/2,df) 'the t critical value, 97.5% quantile if a=0.05

'change the range of the work file and initialize the series to store the estimated values
smpl 1 !s
series b1hat=0 'this is to store the estimated values of intercept
series seb1hat=0 'this is to store the estimated standard error of the intercept estimator
series b2hat=0 'this is to store the estimated values of slope
series seb2hat=0 'this is to store the estimated standard error of the slope estimator
series b3hat=0 'this is to store the estimated values of intercept
series seb3hat=0 'this is to store the estimated standard error of the intercept estimator
series sigmahat=0 'this is to store the estimated values of sigma
series sigmasqhat=0 'this is to store the estimated values of sigma square
scalar t1errb2=0 'this is to store how many Type I errors committed
scalar t1errb3=0 'this is to store how many Type I errors committed
scalar bppower=0
scalar whpower=0

series b1hatwls=0 'this is to store the estimated values of intercept
series seb1hatwls=0 'this is to store the estimated standard error of the intercept estimator
series b2hatwls=0 'this is to store the estimated values of slope
series seb2hatwls=0 'this is to store the estimated standard error of the slope estimator
series b3hatwls=0 'this is to store the estimated values of intercept
series seb3hatwls=0 'this is to store the estimated standard error of the intercept estimator
series sigmahatwls=0 'this is to store the estimated values of sigma
series sigmasqhatwls=0 'this is to store the estimated values of sigma square
scalar t1errb2wls=0 'this is to store how many Type I errors committed
scalar t1errb3wls=0 'this is to store how many Type I errors committed
scalar bppowerwls=0
scalar whpowerwls=0

series b1hath=0 'this is to store the estimated values of intercept
series seb1hath=0 'this is to store the estimated standard error of the intercept estimator
series b2hath=0 'this is to store the estimated values of slope
series seb2hath=0 'this is to store the estimated standard error of the slope estimator
series b3hath=0 'this is to store the estimated values of intercept
series seb3hath=0 'this is to store the estimated standard error of the intercept estimator
series sigmahath=0 'this is to store the estimated values of sigma
series sigmasqhath=0 'this is to store the estimated values of sigma square
scalar t1errb2h=0 'this is to store how many Type I errors committed
scalar t1errb3h=0 'this is to store how many Type I errors committed
scalar bppowerh=0
scalar whpowerh=0

series y=0 'initialize the dependent variable
'the for loop for simulations, do it !s times
for !i=1 to !s
smpl 1 !n
'This section generates stuff for the bptest and white test
y=ey+@nrnd*sigma*(exp(x2))^0.5 'generate the dependent variable
equation y c x x2 'create an equation call eq and run the ols ignoring hetroskedascity
series res01=resid
'run the regression needed for the BP test (or LM test)
equation res01^2 c x x2
scalar bpstat=eqbp.@regobs*eqbp.@r2 'the BP (LM) test statistic
scalar bppval=1-@cchisq(bpstat,2) 'calculate the p-value

equation res01^2 c x x2 x^2 x2^2 x*x2
scalar whstat=eqwh.@regobs*eqwh.@r2 'the white (lm) test stat
scalar whval=1-@cchisq(whstat,2) 'calculate the p-value

y=ey+@nrnd*sigma*(exp(x2))^0.5 'generate the dependent variable
equation y/(exp(x2)*0.5) 1/(exp(x2)*0.5) x/(exp(x2)*0.5) x2/(exp(x2)*0.5) 'create an equation call eq03 and run the wls
series res01wls=resid
'run the regression needed for the BP test (or LM test)
equation res01wls^2 c x x2
scalar bpstatwls=eqbpwls.@regobs*eqbpwls.@r2 'the BP (LM) test statistic
scalar bppvalwls=1-@cchisq(bpstatwls,2) 'calculate the p-value

equation res01wls^2 c x x2 x^2 x2^2 x*x2
scalar whstatwls=eqwhwls.@regobs*eqwhwls.@r2 'the white (lm) test stat
scalar whvalwls=1-@cchisq(whstatwls,2) 'calculate the p-value

y=ey+@nrnd*sigma*(exp(x2))^0.5 'generate the dependent variable
equation y c x x2 'create an equation call eq and run the ols ignoring hetroskedascity
series res01h=resid
'run the regression needed for the BP test (or LM test)
equation res01h^2 c x x2
scalar bpstath=eqbph.@regobs*eqbph.@r2 'the BP (LM) test statistic
scalar bppvalh=1-@cchisq(bpstath,2) 'calculate the p-value

equation res01h^2 c x x2 x^2 x2^2 x*x2
scalar whstath=eqwhh.@regobs*eqwhh.@r2 'the white (lm) test stat
scalar whvalh=1-@cchisq(whstath,2) 'calculate the p-value

'This section generates values for all of the different models

smpl 1 !n
y=ey+@nrnd*sigma*(exp(x2))^0.5 'generate the dependent variable
equation y c x x2 'create an equation call eq and run the ols ignoring hetroskedascity
smpl 1 !s
b1hat(!i) = eq.@coefs(1) 'store the intercept estimate
seb1hat(!i)=eq.@stderrs(1) 'store the intercept estimated standard deviation
b2hat(!i) = eq.@coefs(2) 'store the slope estimate
seb2hat(!i)=eq.@stderrs(2) 'store the slope estimated standard deviation
b3hat(!i) = eq.@coefs(3) 'store the intercept estimate
seb3hat(!i)=eq.@stderrs(3) 'store the intercept estimated standard deviation
sigmahat(!i)=eq.@se 'store the estimated standard deviation of regression
sigmasqhat(!i)=sigmahat(!i)^2 'store the estimated variance of regression

smpl 1 !n
y=ey+@nrnd*sigma*(exp(x2))^0.5 'generate the dependent variable
equation y/(exp(x2)*0.5) 1/(exp(x2)*0.5) x/(exp(x2)*0.5) x2/(exp(x2)*0.5) 'create an equation call eq03 and run the wls
smpl 1 !s
b1hatwls(!i) = eq03.@coefs(1) 'store the intercept estimate
seb1hatwls(!i)=eq03.@stderrs(1) 'store the intercept estimated standard deviation
b2hatwls(!i) = eq03.@coefs(2) 'store the slope estimate
seb2hatwls(!i)=eq03.@stderrs(2) 'store the slope estimated standard deviation
b3hatwls(!i) = eq03.@coefs(3) 'store the intercept estimate
seb3hatwls(!i)=eq03.@stderrs(3) 'store the intercept estimated standard deviation
sigmahatwls(!i)=eq03.@se 'store the estimated standard deviation of regression
sigmasqhatwls(!i)=sigmahatwls(!i)^2 'store the estimated variance of regression

smpl 1 !n
y=ey+@nrnd*sigma*(exp(x2))^0.5 'generate the dependent variable
equation y c x x2 'create an equation call eq and run the ols accounting for hetroskedascity
smpl 1 !s
b1hath(!i) = eq02.@coefs(1) 'store the intercept estimate
seb1hath(!i)=eq02.@stderrs(1) 'store the intercept estimated standard deviation
b2hath(!i) = eq02.@coefs(2) 'store the slope estimate
seb2hath(!i)=eq02.@stderrs(2) 'store the slope estimated standard deviation
b3hath(!i) = eq02.@coefs(3) 'store the intercept estimate
seb3hath(!i)=eq02.@stderrs(3) 'store the intercept estimated standard deviation
sigmahath(!i)=eq02.@se 'store the estimated standard deviation of regression
sigmasqhath(!i)=sigmahath(!i)^2 'store the estimated variance of regression

'This section generates stuff for hypothesis testing

'calculate the lower and upper bound under H0:slope=slope_true given the level of significance
'if the estimated slope is outside the bounds, we reject H0 and make a Type I error
!slb2=b(2)+seb2hat(!i)*tlb 'the lower bound
!sub2=b(2)+seb2hat(!i)*tub 'the upper bound
if (b2hat(!i)<!slb2) or (b2hat(!i)>!sub2) then
t1errb2=t1errb2+1 'if we reject H0:slope=slope_true, we make a Type I error
endif 'if condition finishes here
!slb3=b(3)+seb3hat(!i)*tlb 'the lower bound
!sub3=b(3)+seb3hat(!i)*tub 'the upper bound
if (b3hat(!i)<!slb3) or (b3hat(!i)>!sub3) then
t1errb3=t1errb3+1 'if we reject H0:slope=slope_true, we make a Type I error
endif 'if condition finishes here

'calculate the lower and upper bound under H0:slope=slope_true given the level of significance
'if the estimated slope is outside the bounds, we reject H0 and make a Type I error
!slb2wls=b(2)+seb2hatwls(!i)*tlb 'the lower bound
!sub2wls=b(2)+seb2hatwls(!i)*tub 'the upper bound
if (b2hatwls(!i)<!slb2wls) or (b2hatwls(!i)>!sub2wls) then
t1errb2wls=t1errb2wls+1 'if we reject H0:slope=slope_true, we make a Type I error
endif 'if condition finishes here
!slb3wls=b(3)+seb3hatwls(!i)*tlb 'the lower bound
!sub3wls=b(3)+seb3hatwls(!i)*tub 'the upper bound
if (b3hatwls(!i)<!slb3wls) or (b3hatwls(!i)>!sub3wls) then
t1errb3wls=t1errb3wls+1 'if we reject H0:slope=slope_true, we make a Type I error
endif 'if condition finishes here

'calculate the lower and upper bound under H0:slope=slope_true given the level of significance
'if the estimated slope is outside the bounds, we reject H0 and make a Type I error
!slb2h=b(2)+seb2hath(!i)*tlb 'the lower bound
!sub2h=b(2)+seb2hath(!i)*tub 'the upper bound
if (b2hath(!i)<!slb2h) or (b2hath(!i)>!sub2h) then
t1errb2h=t1errb2h+1 'if we reject H0:slope=slope_true, we make a Type I error
endif 'if condition finishes here
!slb3h=b(3)+seb3hath(!i)*tlb 'the lower bound
!sub3h=b(3)+seb3hath(!i)*tub 'the upper bound
if (b3hath(!i)<!slb3h) or (b3hath(!i)>!sub3h) then
t1errb3h=t1errb3h+1 'if we reject H0:slope=slope_true, we make a Type I error
endif 'if condition finishes here

next 'for loop finishes here
'This section reflects all of our stats from the simulations and puts it into probablity
t1errb2=t1errb2/!s 'percentage of Type I errors committed
t1errb3=t1errb3/!s 'percentage of Type I errors committed
t1errb2wls=t1errb2wls/!s 'percentage of Type I errors committed in wls
t1errb3wls=t1errb3wls/!s 'percentage of Type I errors committed in wls
t1errb2h=t1errb2h/!s 'percentage of Type I errors committed when we assume hetroskedascity
t1errb3h=t1errb3h/!s 'percentage of Type I errors committed
'the following is to calculate the power of the t test based on different (wrong) test values
!mintv=0 'minimum test value
!maxtv=4 'maximum test value
!ntestv=101 'number of test values
!step=(!maxtv-!mintv)/!ntestv 'step size
'create a !ntestv by 2 matrix called ptest
'the first column stores the wrong test values while the second stores the power of tests
matrix(!ntestv,2) pcurveb2
matrix(!ntestv,2) pcurveb2wls
matrix(!ntestv,2) pcurveb2h
series reject=0 'initialize a series to store the occurrences of rejecting the wrong hypothesis
series rejectwls=0 'initialize a series to store the occurrences of rejecting the wrong hypothesis wls
series rejecth=0 'initialize a series to store the occurrences of rejecting the wrong hypothesis assuming hetroskedascity

for !i=1 to !ntestv
pcurveb2(!i,1)=!mintv+(!i-1)*!step 'the test value
reject=@recode(((b2hat-pcurveb2(!i,1))/seb2hat<tlb) or ((b2hat-pcurveb2(!i,1))/seb2hat>tub), 1, 0 )
pcurveb2wls(!i,1)=!mintv+(!i-1)*!step 'the test value
rejectwls=@recode(((b2hatwls-pcurveb2wls(!i,1))/seb2hatwls<tlb) or ((b2hatwls-pcurveb2wls(!i,1))/seb2hatwls>tub), 1, 0 )
pcurveb2h(!i,1)=!mintv+(!i-1)*!step 'the test value
rejecth=@recode(((b2hath-pcurveb2h(!i,1))/seb2hath<tlb) or ((b2hath-pcurveb2h(!i,1))/seb2hath>tub), 1, 0 )
pcurveb2.xy 'plot the power of the t test curve column 2 (c2) against the test values in column 1 (c1)
!mintv=0 'minimum test value
!maxtv=6 'maximum test value
!ntestv=101 'number of test values
!step=(!maxtv-!mintv)/!ntestv 'step size
'create a !ntestv by 2 matrix called ptest
'the first column stores the wrong test values while the second stores the power of tests
matrix(!ntestv,2) pcurveb3
series reject=0 'initialize a series to store the occurrences of rejecting the wrong hypothesis

pcurveb2wls.xy 'plot the power of the t test curve column 2 (c2) against the test values in column 1 (c1)
!mintv=0 'minimum test value
!maxtv=6 'maximum test value
!ntestv=101 'number of test values
!step=(!maxtv-!mintv)/!ntestv 'step size
'create a !ntestv by 2 matrix called ptest
'the first column stores the wrong test values while the second stores the power of tests
matrix(!ntestv,2) pcurveb3wls
series rejectwls=0 'initialize a series to store the occurrences of rejecting the wrong hypothesis

pcurveb2h.xy 'plot the power of the t test curve column 2 (c2) against the test values in column 1 (c1)
!mintv=0 'minimum test value
!maxtv=6 'maximum test value
!ntestv=101 'number of test values
!step=(!maxtv-!mintv)/!ntestv 'step size
'create a !ntestv by 2 matrix called ptest
'the first column stores the wrong test values while the second stores the power of tests
matrix(!ntestv,2) pcurveb3h
series rejecth=0 'initialize a series to store the occurrences of rejecting the wrong hypothesis

for !i=1 to !ntestv
pcurveb3(!i,1)=!mintv+(!i-1)*!step 'the test value
reject=@recode(((b3hat-pcurveb3(!i,1))/seb3hat<tlb) or ((b3hat-pcurveb3(!i,1))/seb3hat>tub), 1, 0 )
pcurveb3wls(!i,1)=!mintv+(!i-1)*!step 'the test value
rejectwls=@recode(((b3hatwls-pcurveb3wls(!i,1))/seb3hatwls<tlb) or ((b3hatwls-pcurveb3wls(!i,1))/seb3hatwls>tub), 1, 0 )
pcurveb3h(!i,1)=!mintv+(!i-1)*!step 'the test value
rejecth=@recode(((b3hath-pcurveb3h(!i,1))/seb3hath<tlb) or ((b3hath-pcurveb3h(!i,1))/seb3hath>tub), 1, 0 )
'this section plots power curves
pcurveb3.xy 'plot the power of the t test curve column 2 (c2) against the test values in column 1 (c1)
pcurveb3wls.xy 'plot the power of the t test curve column 2 (c2) against the test values in column 1 (c1)
pcurveb3h.xy 'plot the power of the t test curve column 2 (c2) against the test values in column 1 (c1)

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