Ordered Probit Model

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Ordered Probit Model

Postby michelleli » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:28 pm

I have estimated an ordered probit model in Eviews 7 and trying the calculate the marginal effect. My procedue to calculate the marginal effect is as follows:
1.Make model from the Proc function
2.press "solve"
The output page indicates "solve terminated-unable to compute due to missing data in ....."

I have successfully estimated the ordered probit model and have restricted the "solution sample" to workfile sample used in the the orderd probit model. How come Eviews unable to compute due to missing data?

Please help!


EViews Gareth
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Re: Ordered Probit Model

Postby EViews Gareth » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:44 am

Hard to tell without seeing the workfile, and knowing exactly what you did.
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