Welcome to the Models forum

For technical support, tips and tricks, suggestions, or any other information regarding the EViews model object.

Moderators: EViews Gareth, EViews Moderator

EViews Moderator
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:54 pm

Welcome to the Models forum

Postby EViews Moderator » Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:38 am

Welcome to the Models forum.

This forum is intended as an area dedicated to modeling in EViews using the Model Object. Please post any questions, tips or suggestions you have related to Modeling in here.

If your question is a general estimation question (such as questions regarding GARCH etc...), they belong in the Estimation (or the Econometrics) forums, not in this forum.

In general if you don't know what an EViews Model object is, you probably belong in another forum.

Posts: 50
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2009 6:03 am

Re: Welcome to the Models forum

Postby jlbrillet » Mon Mar 15, 2021 10:21 am

Hello all,

i have trouble understanding the targetting process. The instrument annd the solution do not change!
I must have doen something wrong.

I can provide the files if you want.

Here is my example:


smpl 2020 2030

' Solving the model the normal way

_gabon_1.append assign @all _b

' Increasing the target by 2%

genr pibm_n_star1=pibm_n_b *1.05 ' the target
_gabon_1.append assign @all _b1 ' the "normal" suffix

' ' _v1 is the suffix for the control variable
' ' _star1 is the suffix for the variable found
' ' co_ec is the instrument (residual on household consumption)
' ' pibm_n is non-oil GDP at constant prices

_gabon_1.control(create,csuffix=_v1,tsuffix=_star1) co_ec pibm_n

' Showing the results

show co_ec co_ec_v? pibm_n_b* pibm_n_star?


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