not using scenario

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not using scenario

Postby dwebb » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:18 am

I am new to eviews and this forum. I have a model which utilizes forecasts from a national model. In theory I should be able to have my equations grab the baseline forecast from the national model (I should also be able to set up alternative scenarios). I have created the model, but it is not using the baseline from the national data. The baseline forecast is in the worksheet along with the historical and alternatvie scenarios. But when I run the model I generate NA for the forecast period.
Mathmatically I have this:
Y=a+bX where X is the national variable. The historical series is X and the baseline forecast is X_0. If I understand correctly I should be able to build my equation as I have stated it. Then when I run the baseline forecast it will use the X_0 series. Is that not correct?

EViews Gareth
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Re: not using scenario

Postby EViews Gareth » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:33 am

I'm not 100% certain I follow your question, but when you solve the baseline scenario, EViews will use the true values of X in the solve. If you want EViews to use different values of X, you have to choose a different scenario, and then add X to the list of overrides for that scenario (the baseline scenario cannot have overrides). Once you've set X as an override, EViews will use the scenario's value of X rather than the true value of X, where the scenario's value of X is given in a series called X{alias}, where {alias} stands for that scenario's alias.

By default, Scenario 1 has an alias of _1, so to use different values of X in scenario 1, you would set X as an override, then put those values into a series called X_1
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Re: not using scenario

Postby dwebb » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:43 am

Thanks. I think I understand. I guess My problem is that baseline does not allow overrides. The national model uses eviews as well and stores the historical series X along with a baseline forecast X_0. When I set up my equations I set it up as Y=F(X). I thought it would use the X_0 series when I solved using the baseline scenario. I suppose I could restate my equations as Y=F(X_0).

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