Handling various issues with running EViews SV and University Edition on OSX

For questions regarding installation and registration of EViews.

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EViews Steve
EViews Developer
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Handling various issues with running EViews SV and University Edition on OSX

Postby EViews Steve » Thu Feb 09, 2023 2:29 pm

This post is to help those of you running into issues running EViews SV or EViews University Edition on a mac.

WINE Conflicts
Because EViews for OSX is designed to run using WINE (within it's own bottle), if you happen to have WINE already installed on your system, this may cause conflicts. Our recommendation is to try uninstalling WINE, then re-installing EViews to see if that resolves your issues.

"Unidentified developer error" while trying to install EViews
Both mac versions of EViews is installed using a PKG file. You would normally double-click the PKG file to start the installation, but because our PKG installer is not signed, you may see an error stating "Unidentified Developer Error". To get around this, hold down the CTRL key when clicking the PKG file (or simply right-click the PKG file) and then select "Open". This new dialog will allow you to continue the installation.

"Not authorized to send Apple events to Terminal"
You must give the EViews application Automation rights in order to run it properly. To do this:
  • Go to System Preferences/Privacy and Security.
    Click on "Automation" and view the apps that have requested access.
    If required, click the Lock icon to unlock this dialog and allow changes. You will have to authenticate to do this.
    In the list of apps, if you don't see the EViews app, click the "+" button to add it.
    Make sure EViews has access to Terminal, Finder, & System Events.
If you see an error stating "Cannot add EViews to the Automation list", try resetting the entire list by running the following command (in a Terminal window):

Code: Select all

sudo tccutil reset AppleEvents
then try again.

Cannot see files in the File Open dialog
You must give the EViews application access to files and folders in order to run it properly. To do this:
  • Go to System Preferences/Privacy and Security.
    Click on "Files and Folders" and view the apps that have requested access.
    If required, click the Lock icon to unlock this dialog and allow changes. You will have to authenticate to do this.
    In the list of apps, if you don't see the EViews app, click the "+" button to add it.
    Under EViews, make sure the Documents Folder is allowed.
    Restart EViews and try the File Open dialog again.
If the issue still persists, try redoing the above steps but select "Full Disk Access" (instead of "Files and Folders") and grant EViews access to that to see if that resolves your issue.

Cannot save license file
Upon first run, EViews will attempt to register your serial number and then save the new license file locally. If EViews can't save your license files, there is probably a file permissions issue that must be resolved manually. To do this, run the following commands in a Terminal window:

For EViews 12 University Edition:

Code: Select all

cd /Library/Application\ Support sudo mkdir IHS sudo mkdir IHS/EViews\ University\ Edition sudo mkdir IHS/EViews\ University\ Edition/12.00.000 sudo chmod 777 IHS/EViews\ University\ Edition/12.00.000
For EViews 12 SV:

Code: Select all

cd /Library/Application\ Support sudo mkdir IHS sudo mkdir IHS/EViews\ Student\ Version sudo mkdir IHS/EViews\ Student\ Version/12.00.000 sudo chmod 777 IHS/EViews\ Student\ Version/12.00.000
then run EViews and try the serial registration again.

Missing fonts
If you see an error stating that fonts are missing or if suspect the standard fonts are not available to EViews, run the following to install them onto your system:

Code: Select all

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" brew install freetype
EViews doesn't run on OSX Catalina/Big Sur/Monterey
If you still can't get EViews to run and your mac is running OSX Catalina, OSX Big Sur, or OSX Monterey, you can try the following:
  • Download this fixup file to your Downloads folder.
    In a Terminal window, run the following commands (authenticate yourself when asked):

    Code: Select all

    sudo chmod a+x ~/Downloads/EV12_BigSur_fixup sudo ~/Downloads/EV12_BigSur_fixup
    If you see any error messages appear, please double-check the command you typed in (or copied).
    Try running EViews.
    If the issue still persists, try running the command above for "Missing fonts".
If you still can't get EViews to work, please contact support@eviews.com with your serial number and a description of your issue for additional help.


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Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2022 9:44 am

Re: Handling various issues with running EViews SV and University Edition on OSX

Postby ziarahman » Mon May 01, 2023 8:18 pm

I gave EViews access to full disk, yet I cannot see files in the File Open dialog.

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