Random draw from Wishart

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EViews Esther
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Random draw from Wishart

Postby EViews Esther » Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:47 am

Below is a subroutine to produce a random draw from the specified Wishart distribution.

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'command: wish(S, h, n) -- generates multivariate Wishart random variables 'Inputs: h --- m-by-m scale matrix ' n --- scalar degree of freedom 'Outputs: S = m-by-m matrix draw from the Wishart distribution 'Note: used Bartlett decomposition 'Example: matrix(2,2) s sym(2) h = @identity(2) scalar n = 5 call wish(s,h,n) subroutine local wish(matrix S, sym h, scalar n) !p = @rows(h) matrix T = @zeros(!p,!p) for !i=1 to !p for !j=1 to !i if !i = !j then !ntemp = @mrnd(1,1) !chirnd = @qchisq(!ntemp,n-!i+1) T(!i,!j) = @sqrt(!chirnd) else !normrnd = @mnrnd(1,1) T(!i,!j) = !normrnd endif next next matrix A = T*@transpose(T) matrix Y = @cholesky(h) S = @transpose(Y)*A*Y endsub

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