OLS Regressing

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OLS Regressing

Postby edm_rave » Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:50 am

Hi guys,

I'm currently using eviews 7 and am having difficulty with a question in regards to eviews. I have three series of data for children in different sized classes. Each series of data contains all observations of children and if the observation is in that class then the observation is a 1 if not then the observation is a 0. I need to use children who are in either a regular sized class or a small class to do a regression model of the form

Totalscore = b1+b2SMALL+e

My first question is how do I use the IF function such that I am left with only observations of children in either a regular or a small sized class. I have played around with the IF function but have only been able to get either children in small classes only or regular classes only NOT both.

My second question is how I would regress the function such that both data of regular/ small sized classes of children are within the model. Since as you can see the regression model they are asking me to do only includes SMALL and not REGULAR as well.


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Re: OLS Regressing

Postby startz » Fri Mar 22, 2013 6:50 am

Code: Select all

smpl if SMALL
smpl if SMALL or Regular

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