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Problem when page extended in subroutine with local smpl

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 1:38 pm
by etienne

EViews doesn't give the expected result when a pagestruct command to extend a workfile page is executed within a subroutine with local smpl.

Try this:

Code: Select all

wfcreate a 2010 2015
series x = @runif(0, 1)

subroutine sub
  local smpl


call sub

After running this code, the total number of observations displayed in the workfile page is wrong and, when the series is open, values displayed are incorrect : where extended years should appear, the first year of the original series and the corresponding value are repeated.

However, the values obtained by code, such as x[7], seems to be correct.

This bug, which appears both in EViews 8.1 and in EViews 9, is easy to avoid, though, by running the pagestruct command before the local smpl instruction.

Best regards,


Re: Problem when page extended in subroutine with local smpl

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 1:53 pm
by EViews Gareth
Ok, we'll fix (which will probably be just disabling pagestruct or other workfile type commands under a local smpl).