Switching Regression

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Switching Regression

Postby maxchen » Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:57 am

EV9 20150723 32bit

What is the meaning of the following line?
UG2, p469, The coefficients on the DLOGIDX(-1) both differ from zero with opposite (statistically significant) signs.

Now we turn to the following code

Code: Select all

wfopen "C:\EViews9\Example Files\EV9 Manual Data\Chapter 33 - Switching Regression\ew_excs.wf1"

vector(5) vt
smpl 1926M01 1986M12
!ns = 3

c = 0
'UG2 p473
equation eq01.switchreg(type=markov, nstates=!ns, heterr, startnum=200, startiter=50, rng=kn, seed=1727802456) excess
vt(1) = @toc

'UG2 p474
freeze(tbtp1) eq01.transprobs

'One tricky aspect of imposing restrictions is that the regime identities are not fixed and can change for different starting values.
matrix(!ns,!ns) mr = na
mr(1,2) = 0
!nc = eq01.@ncoef
vector(!nc) vi=eq01.@coefs
vector(!nc-1) vi1 = vi.@droprow(5)

do vi1.setglobalc
equation eq02a.switchreg(type=markov, nstates=3, fprobmat=mr, heterr, s, startnum=200, startiter=50, seed=1727802456, rng=kn) excess   'init by EViews
vt(5) = @toc

'UG2 p475
do vi1.setglobalc
equation eq02.switchreg(type=markov, nstates=!ns, heterr, fprobmat=mr, s) excess   'WARNING: Singular covariance - coefficients are not unique

vt(2) = @toc

'user coef
coef(!nc-1) b = vi1
equation eq03.switchreg(type=markov, nstates=!ns, heterr, fprobmat=mr, s, coef=b) excess   'Convergence achieved after 0 iterations

vt(3) = @toc

1 eq02 vs eq03, the only diff is using coef b rathen than c, but eq02 Singular covariance, and eq03 Convergence achieved
2 eq02a, still init value provide EViews, option "startnum" override "s", with Failure to improve objective (non-zero gradients) after 1 iteration

EViews Glenn
EViews Developer
Posts: 2672
Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:17 am

Re: Switching Regression

Postby EViews Glenn » Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:28 pm

[edit] Sorry, the discussion is poor. It should be "The coefficients on the intercept in the mean equation both differ from zero with opposite (statistically significant) signs."

As to the other issue, it looks like a bug with setglobalc. We'll get a fix put in.

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