Consistent treatment of {%seriesname}.@attr

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Consistent treatment of {%seriesname}.@attr

Postby mamo » Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:54 am

Dear Eviews team,

{%seriesname}.@attr("name") provides the name of the series.

@attr also allows for obtaining the values of custom attributes of a series that the user has defined herself.
However, to my knowledge there is no way to read the history of a series within a program.
(I know that @description, @displayname, @name, @updatetime, @source, @remarks are implemented as individual data member of series)

add a data member "@history" to the set of data members of the series object.
Suggestion 2, preferred:
allow all attributes of a series to be approached in a consistent manner with the @attr data member, i.e.: {%seriesname}.@attr("history"), {%seriesname}.@attr("name"), {%seriesname}.@attr("description"), {%seriesname}.@attr("source"), etc.

Kind regards,
PS: I am using Eviews 8 on Win7 64 bit

EViews Gareth
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Re: Consistent treatment of {%seriesname}.@attr

Postby EViews Gareth » Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:22 am

I don't follow this one.

You can do:

Code: Select all

string a = x.@attr("history")
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Re: Consistent treatment of {%seriesname}.@attr

Postby mamo » Fri Feb 13, 2015 10:16 am

Dear Eviews team,
many thanks, your suggested solution works
(I tried this before Iwrote the post, but it seems I must have made a mistake)
Kind regards, mamo

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