Troubleshooting EViews Slowness

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EViews Steve
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Troubleshooting EViews Slowness

Postby EViews Steve » Fri Mar 01, 2019 10:05 am

Just some common things to check for when you encounter unexpected slow EViews performance:

Slowness encountered when opening or saving a workfile
1. If the file is not local, try copying the file locally first using it with EViews to rule out your connection to the file server.
2. Turn off Automatic Snapshots (EViews 10 and up) - Options menu/General Options/Snapshots
3. Turn off Windows Defender or any other anti-virus program, particularly on Windows 10 (or exclude the EViews file formats from their protection).

Slowness encountered when performing a fetch from a database
1. For file based databases only: if the database files are not local, copy them locally first to rule out your connection to your file server.
2. Turn off the "Auto search" functionality for databases. You can find this checkbox on Options menu/Database Registry.
3. Turn off Windows Defender or any other anti-virus program, particularly on Windows 10 (or exclude the EViews file formats from protection).
4. For EViews 10 file based databases only: make sure you've patched EViews to the latest version - some speed improvements were made last Jan 2018 to counteract the slowness of Windows Defender on Windows 10.

Other slowness in program execution
1. Make sure you are running your program in Quiet mode instead of Verbose mode.
2. Make sure the "Compile to Intel machine code" option is turned on. This option is found under Options menu/General Options/Advanced system options. Note: This option might not be available in all versions of EViews.
3. If your computer has multiple cores, make sure EViews is set to use all cores when executing calculations (also found under Options menu/General Options/Advanced system options). Note: Again, this option might not be available in all versions of EViews.
4. Make sure your system has enough RAM available for EViews to load all files without using the system paging file (virtual memory). You should try shutting down all other programs and processes before you run the EViews program.
5. If not already, try using the 64-bit version of EViews which has access to much more memory than the 32-bit version.
6. If your program is using any files from a network folder (e.g. included programs) try copying them to a local drive and use those instead.

Troubleshoot your program with LOGMODE
To troubleshoot and figure out where the slowness actually is, use the LOGMODE command at the beginning of your program to generate an external log file that includes the timestamp for each line in your program. For example,

Code: Select all

LOGMODE(filename="c:\files\log.txt", autosave=on, timestamp) program
Once this line is at the start of your program, run the program to completion, then inspect the log file and focus on those that took the most time. Note: Using LOGMODE like this will greatly increase the overall run time of your program, but it should still be helpful in figuring out which program lines are taking the longest to run.

Reporting performance problems
If you'd like to report a specific performance issue, please email us at with the following information:
1. Your EViews serial number
2. A detailed explanation of your issue, including screenshots, and any timing information that you have. If possible, also include the EViews files that you're using so we can try and replicate the issue.
3. Finally, also send us the text output of the SUPPORTINFO command from within EViews (simply type SUPPORTINFO into the EViews command window, hit Enter, then copy the entire output text from the new window).

It would also help immensely if you were already using the most up-to-date version of EViews as our first advice would be to try that first.

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