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Different treatment of strings in EViews 10

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 2:54 am
by asamp

I've recently upgraded from EViews 9 to EViews 10 and have noticed something funny with the treatment of strings in EViews 10 vs EViews 9. Essentially, if there is a space in the string, I now have to use quotes when referencing it, whereas previously I didn't use quotes. For example, in previous codes (written in EViews 9), I would have something like:
%path="C:\Users\your name\Documents\EViews"
cd %path

I now have to write this as:
%path="C:\Users\your name\Documents\EViews"
cd "%path"

Some of my colleagues, also using EViews 10, specify like the first statement above, rather than the second. Is there an option in EViews 10 to revert to the first option? This is problematic because I use and edit programs with colleagues, so need the programs to be consistent (plus I have several programs written in EViews 9).



Re: Different treatment of strings in EViews 10

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:58 am
by EViews Gareth
I believe nothing changed in that regard.

Also note that your example has no spaces.

Re: Different treatment of strings in EViews 10

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:15 am
by EViews Steve
I tried your first code sample and it worked fine for me. When I tried the second version that had quotes around the %path, that produced an error.

I would try hiding your EViews32.ini file and restarting EViews to see if some custom option setting was changing the behavior of your string replacement (though I have no idea what that could be). You INI file can be found by going to Options/General Options/File locations then clicking the folder button next to the "Ini File Path" text box. Once you hide this file and restart EViews, EViews will revert back to default settings on everything.
