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Postby pinnyoshea » Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:16 am

Hi all,

I have tried to adjust the existing diagonal bekk code a MGARCH-BEKK model without the diagonal restriction but as this is my first attempt at programming EVIEWs (version 7) I am unsure if I have been successful. I have read all the posts regarding the MVGARCH BEKK in the forums and ran the BV GARCH-M (diagonal bekk) code successfully.

The unrestricted code runs without error but I am unsure about the output. The diagonal coefficients are very close to those obtained when I run a diagonal bekk. I would greatly appreciate any help/advice provided.

Code: Select all

' BV_GARCH.PRG (3/30/2004)
' example program for EViews LogL object
' unrestricted version of
' bi-variate BEKK of Engle and Kroner (1995):
'  y = mu + res
'  res ~ N(0,H)
'  H = omega*omega' + beta H(-1) beta' + alpha res(-1) res(-1)' alpha'
' where
'     y = 2 x 1
'     mu = 2 x 1
'      H = 2 x 2 (symmetric)
'          H(1,1) = variance of y1   (saved as var_y1)
'          H(1,2) = cov of y1 and y2 (saved as var_y2)
'          H(2,2) = variance of y2   (saved as cov_y1y2)
'  omega = 2 x 2 low triangular
'   beta = 2 x 2
'  alpha = 2 x 2

'change path to program path
%path = @runpath
cd %path

' dependent variables of both series must be continues
smpl @all
series y1 =irl_spread_rtns
series y2 = irl_cds_rtns

' set sample
' first observation of s1 need to be one or two periods after
' the first observation of s0
sample s0 01/03/2008 9/30/2010
sample s1 01/04/2008 9/30/2010

' initialization of parameters and starting values
' change below only to change the specification of model
smpl s0

'get starting values from univariate GARCH
equation eq1.arch(m=100,c=1e-5) y1 c
equation eq2.arch(m=100,c=1e-5) y2 c

' declare coef vectors to use in bi-variate GARCH model
' see above for details
coef(2) mu
 mu(1) = eq1.c(1)
 mu(2)= eq2.c(1)

coef(3) omega

coef(4) alpha
 alpha(1) = 0.5
 alpha(2) = 0.5
 alpha(3) = 0.5
 alpha(4) = 0.5

coef(4) beta
 beta(1)= 0.5
 beta(2)= 0.5
 beta(3) =0.5
 beta(4)= 0.5

' constant adjustment for log likelihood
!mlog2pi = 2*log(2*@acos(-1))

' use var-cov of sample in "s1" as starting value of variance-covariance matrix
series cov_y1y2 = @cov(y1-mu(1), y2-mu(2))
series var_y1 = @var(y1)
series var_y2 = @var(y2)

series sqres1 = (y1-mu(1))^2
series sqres2 = (y2-mu(2))^2
series res1res2 = (y1-mu(1))*(y2-mu(2))

' ...........................................................
' set up the likelihood
' 1) open a new blank likelihood object (L.O.) name bvgarch
' 2) specify the log likelihood model by append
' ...........................................................

logl bvgarch
bvgarch.append @logl logl
bvgarch.append sqres1 = (y1-mu(1))^2
bvgarch.append sqres2 = (y2-mu(2))^2
bvgarch.append res1res2 = (y1-mu(1))*(y2-mu(2))

' calculate the variance and covariance series
bvgarch.append var_y1  =  omega(1)^2 + beta(1)^2*var_y1(-1)+beta(1)*beta(3)*cov_y1y2(-1)+beta(1)*beta(3)*cov_y1y2(-1)+beta(3)^2*var_y2(-1) + alpha(1)^2*sqres1(-1)+alpha(1)*alpha(3)*res1res2(-1)+alpha(1)*alpha(3)*res1res2(-1)+alpha(3)^2*sqres2(-1)

bvgarch.append var_y2  = omega(3)^2+omega(2)^2 +beta(4)^2*var_y2(-1)+beta(4)*beta(2)*cov_y1y2(-1)+beta(4)*beta(2)*cov_y1y2(-1)+beta(2)^2*var_y1(-1) + alpha(4)^2*sqres2(-1)+alpha(4)*alpha(2)*res1res2(-1)+alpha(4)*alpha(2)*res1res2(-1)+alpha(2)^2*sqres1(-1)

bvgarch.append cov_y1y2 = omega(1)*omega(2) + beta(2)*beta(1)*var_y1(-1) + beta(3)*beta(2)*cov_y1y2(-1) + beta(1)*beta(4)*cov_y1y2(-1) + beta(4)*beta(3)*var_y2(-1) + alpha(2)*alpha(1)*sqres1(-1) + alpha(4)*alpha(1)*res1res2(-1) + alpha(3)*alpha(2)*res1res2(-1) + alpha(4)*alpha(3)*sqres2(-1)

' determinant of the variance-covariance matrix
bvgarch.append deth = var_y1*var_y2 - cov_y1y2^2

' inverse elements of the variance-covariance matrix
bvgarch.append invh1 = var_y2/deth
bvgarch.append invh3 = var_y1/deth
bvgarch.append invh2 = -cov_y1y2/deth

' log-likelihood series
bvgarch.append logl =-0.5*(!mlog2pi + (invh1*sqres1+2*invh2*res1res2+invh3*sqres2) + log(deth))

' remove some of the intermediary series
' bvgarch.append @temp invh1 invh2 invh3 sqres1 sqres2 res1res2 deth

' estimate the model
smpl s1, m=100, c=1e-5)

' change below to display different output
show bvgarch.output
graph varcov.line var_y1 var_y2 cov_y1y2
show varcov

' LR statistic for univariate versus bivariate model
scalar lr = -2*( eq1.@logl + eq2.@logl - bvgarch.@logl )
scalar lr_pval = 1 - @cchisq(lr,1)


Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:54 am


Postby pinnyoshea » Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:40 am

Hi All,

I have another related question. I am running the above model on sovereign CDS and Bond returns for portugal, Ireland, greece and spain. The model achieves convergence for greece and spain but fails to converge for the other two. I have tried varying expanding and contracting the sample size and changing my initial coefficient values but the result is the same.

Does this mean I have a problem with the specification of the model? I have searched the forum already for the answer but was unsuccessful. I really hope someone can have a quick glance through my code and even just tell me if I am completely off the mark here.

Thanks again,

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