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Refering to a panel observation

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:04 am
by Eppichgyo
Dear Experts,

I have a dated, annual panel file. The cross section ideintifier is called id, the date is dateid. Eviews acknowledges the structure as dated panel, if I click on range. I would like to refer to specific observations, e.g. dateid = 2007 id =1 observation of a variable, for example to drop out outliers (outisde+/2sigma). I have read that @crossid, @cellid, @dateid functions should work. But if i try to run e.g. this part, Eviews says: @CROSSID is an illegal or reserved name in "IF @CROSSID=1 AND @DATEID=2007 THEN".

My code part

!h = @mean(l_totasset)+@stdev(l_totasset)
!l = @mean(l_totasset)-@stdev(l_totasset)

for !i = 1 to 246
for !j = 2007 to 2017
if @crossid=!i and @dateid=!j then
l_totasset_wo =@recode(l_totasset>!h or l_totasset<!l,na,l_totasset)



Re: Refering to a panel observation

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:00 am
by EViews Gareth