Converting some stata code to eviews code

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Converting some stata code to eviews code

Postby Lalan_dk » Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:04 pm


I'm using IFLS 5 data and want to merging some data. My friend give me these codes to perform it in stata, but i want to perform it in eviews.

Code: Select all

global ifls5 "/Users/GHBS/Documents/IFLS/IFLS 5/household"
global kompilasi "/Users/GHBS/Documents/Work/Asisten Semester 9/Ekonometrika MEP/grup kiri"

use "$ifls5/bk_ar1.dta", clear

keep hhid14 pid14 ar09 ar10 ar11
rename ar09 age
rename ar10 id_father
rename ar11 id_mother

save "$kompilasi/data_anak.dta", replace

use "$ifls5/bk_ar1.dta", clear

keep hhid14 pid14 ar09
rename ar09 age_father
rename pid id_father

save "$kompilasi/data_father.dta", replace

use "$ifls5/bk_ar1.dta", clear

keep hhid14 pid14 ar09
rename ar09 age_mother
rename pid id_mother

save "$kompilasi/data_mother.dta", replace

use "$kompilasi/data_anak.dta", clear

merge m:1 hhid id_father using "$kompilasi/data_father.dta"
keep if _merge==3
drop _merge

merge m:1 hhid id_mother using "$kompilasi/data_mother.dta"
keep if _merge==3
drop _merge

save "$kompilasi/data_anak_lengkap.dta", replace

Can anyone help me to convert this stata code to eviews programming language?

here the attachment
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