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How to link workfiles in Eviews

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:25 am
by Mdoumbia2
Dear @all,
I am Moussa DOUMBIA, a new learner in Eviews. I have created a workfiles for my homework, please find the screenshot, but the files are not linked to each other. Could you help me create the links between the Bahamas and Jamaica files? in fact, when I create the group g1 in the fiji file, I see that it is linked to Australia which allows us to create the link between the group g1 (rgdp_aus and rgdp_fiji).
But when I do the same procedure in the Bahamas file, I find that it is not linked to any other file in module2_Caribbean_Assessment_File, so group g1 (rgdp_bah and rgdp_jam) cannot be created. Your help will be greatly appreciated