Fama-MacBeth regression

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EViews Rebecca
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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby EViews Rebecca » Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:36 am

Maverick wrote:Hi, I also need to incorporate r square into the code. I understand the first part of the fmb subprogram, but not the following part of the operation in the program:

@transpose(@inverse(@transpose(design) * design) _
* @transpose(design) * retvec)

If someone can help me understand this part it would be really appreciated! Thanks in advance! Also I would like to know if this sign: _ has a meaning in the code?

The code fragment is OLS regression in matrix form.

"_" is the continuation character in the EViews programming language. Put it at the end of a line to join it with the next line.

EViews Rebecca
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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby EViews Rebecca » Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:39 am

Maverick wrote:Also it would be nice to understand the purpose of design=1 in the below code?

matrix(n_p, n_f + 1) design = 1

This fills the matrix "design" with ones.

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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby Maverick » Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:42 pm

Hi,thanks! I have now tried to incorporate r square without luck. Would it be possible for one of eviews developers to modify the code?Incorporating r squared to the second regression would add alot of value for the users.The fama-macbeth procedure is used for asset pricing models and knowing the fit of the model is very important in order to determine the quality of the asset pricing model.

EViews Rebecca
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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby EViews Rebecca » Tue Aug 05, 2014 8:46 am

How are you trying to incorporate R squared?

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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby Maverick » Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:17 am

Hi,thanks! Below you will see the subprogram fmb where in the first line I have included "matrix rs" and in the last line I have included the code for r-square

subroutine local fmb(scalar n_p, scalar n_f, matrix rm, matrix b, scalar j, matrix g, matrix rs)
' cs fama-macbeth regression
' ex: goes into a loop indexed by j
vector retvec = @transpose(@rowextract(rm, j))
matrix(n_p, n_f + 1) design = 1
matplace(design, b, 1, 2)
rowplace(g, @transpose(@inverse(@transpose(design) * design) _
* @transpose(design) * retvec), j)

rowplace(rs, @transpose(design*@transpose(@inverse(@transpose(design) * design) * @transpose(design) * retvec))*(design*@transpose (@inverse(@transpose(design) * design) * @transpose(design) * retvec))/(@transpose(retvec) *retvec), j)


Where the code for the r-square is :@transpose(design*@transpose(@inverse(@transpose(design) * design) * @transpose(design) * retvec))*(design*@transpose (@inverse(@transpose(design) * design) * @transpose(design) * retvec))/(@transpose(retvec) *retvec)

Further I have created a new variable named %subrsquare shown below:

temp variable substitutions
%subrets = @getnextname("rets")
%subfacs = @getnextname("facs")
%subbhat = @getnextname("bhat")
%subbetaeq = @getnextname("betaeq")
%subretsm = @getnextname("retsm")
%subgammag = @getnextname("gammag")
%subavgretv = @getnextname("avgretv")
%subcsavg = @getnextname("csavg")
%subtemp = @getnextname("temp")

After this I tried to specify the matrix for %subrsquare and implement it into the command line for the fmb program which both are shown below:

' loop through each time unit and store the results in gamma
for !i=1 to !len_ts
call fmb(!num_p, !num_f, {%subretsm}, {%subbhat}, !i, {%subgamma},{%subrsquare})

EViews Rebecca
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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby EViews Rebecca » Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:48 am

I would start debugging this by breaking up your R2 calculation into pieces instead of doing it all in one long line. It should be easier to find the error that way.

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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby Maverick » Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:31 am

Rebecca I have made a rolling version and recursive version of this model and all I'm missing is the r square, if I cant manage this by tomorrow I have to drop the code and start doing it manually to be sure that I'm able to deliver my master thesis on time. Can you please please help me a little more on the way here...I'm desperate!!!

EViews Rebecca
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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby EViews Rebecca » Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:21 pm

It looks like you're on the right track, so break the calculation up into steps and examine each piece.

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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby Maverick » Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:04 pm

Hi, I have modified the fmb code to become rolling and with adjusted r square but I need to get the residuals. I have specified an equation(retvec-yhat) and added it into a matrix in the same way I did with r square but for the residual equation I get the error message " non numeric value added to matrix". The matrix is specified in the same way as the r square matrix which is 1 row and 612 columns. I have 30 stock portfolios as dependent variables and five factors as undependent variables. The time series is from january 1960 to december 2010. Can you help me to solve the problem? Below you find the whole code.
I would also appreciate if someone could confirm that the code is correct since I have not been able to replicate the gammas after the first roll.

!doGUI = 1 ' default is GUI dialog

subroutine local fmb(scalar n_p, scalar n_f, matrix rm, matrix b, scalar j, matrix g, matrix rs,matrix ls,matrix e)
' cs fama-macbeth regression
' ex: goes into a loop indexed by j
vector retvec = @transpose(@rowextract(rm, j))
matrix(n_p, n_f + 1) design = 1
matplace(design, b, 1, 2)
rowplace(g, @transpose(@inverse(@transpose(design) * design) * @transpose(design) * retvec), j)
'R-square calculations

vector yhat = (design*(@inverse(@transpose(design) * design) * @transpose(design) * retvec))

'Residuals calculation
vector e1=(retvec-yhat)

e(1,j)= e1

'R-square calculations
scalar f2 = @cor(yhat, retvec)
scalar R2 = f2*f2

Adjusted r square
scalar R2adj = (R2 - ((5/24)*(1-R2)))

rs(1,j)= R2

subroutine checkExistence(string r, string f)
' check that returns and factors exist
if @len(@wlookup(r)) = 0 then
%error = "Error: returns '" + r + "' not in workfile"
if @len(@wlookup(f)) = 0 then
%error = "Error: factors '" + f + "' not in workfile"

' temp variable substitutions
%sube= @getnextname("residuals")
%subr = @getnextname("adjusted r square")
%subrsqure = @getnextname("r square")
%subrets = @getnextname("rets")
%subfacs = @getnextname("facs")
%subbhat = @getnextname("bhat")
%subbetaeq = @getnextname("betaeq")
%subretsm = @getnextname("retsm")
%subgammag = @getnextname("gammag")
%subavgretv = @getnextname("avgretv")
%subcsavg = @getnextname("csavg")
%subtemp = @getnextname("temp")
' remaining var substitutions
%subgamma = "gamma"
%subgamma = @getnextname(%subgamma) ' so gamma begins with gamma01, gamma02, etc
if @isobject(%subgamma) then
%subgamma = @getnextname(%subgamma)
%subgamma_summary = "gamma_summary"
if @isobject(%subgamma_summary) then
%subgamma_summary = @getnextname(%subgamma_summary)
%subcsavg = "csavg"
if @isobject(%subcsavg) then
%subcsavg = @getnextname(%subcsavg)

'default options
%subresults = "results"
%action = "append"

' user options
' user has chosen to use the command line
if @len(%args) > 0 then
!doGUI = 0
if !doGUI = 0 then
%retnames = %0
%factors = @wdrop(%args, %0)
' check that returns and factors exist
call checkExistence(%retnames, %factors)
' put the first argument into a group (it must be either a group or a series wildcard)
group {%subrets} {%retnames}
' put the second argument into a group (it must be a group, a series wildcard,
' or a list of series
group {%subfacs} {%factors}
if @len(@option(1)) then
!doGUI = @hasoption("prompt")
%temp = @equaloption("action")
if @len(%temp) then
%action = %temp
%temp = @equaloption("spoolname")
if @len(%temp) then
%subresults = %temp
'process command-line options
if %action = "REPLACE" then
if @isobject(%subresults) then
delete {%subresults}
if %action = "NEW" then
if @isobject(%subresults) then
%subresults = @getnextname(%subresults)
if %action <> "APPEND" then
%error = "Error: unknown action"

' user has chosen to use the GUI
if !doGUI = 1 then
!result = @uidialog("caption", "Fama-MacBeth regression", "edit", %retnames, "List of portfolio/asset returns", "edit", %factors, "List of factor names", "edit", %subresults, "Put results into")
if !result = -1 then
' check that returns and factors exist
call checkExistence(%retnames, %factors)
group {%subrets} {%retnames}
group {%subfacs} {%factors}
while @isobject(%subresults)
!sel = 1
!result = @uidialog("caption", "Fama-MacBeth regression", "radio", !sel, "This object already exists. Do you want to", """Append to it"" ""Replace it"" ""Make a new object""")
if !result = -1 then
if !sel = 1 then
if !sel = 2 then
delete {%subresults}
if !sel = 3 then
%subresults = @getnextname(%subresults)
!result = @uidialog("caption", "Fama-MacBeth regression", "edit", %subresults, "New results object")

' set up variables
%startpage = @pagename
!num_p = @columns({%subrets})
'!len_ts = @obsrange ' changed 20131028 RE
!len_ts = @obssmpl
!num_f = @columns({%subfacs})

!window = 60
!step = 12
!length = @obsrange
' set up matrices and vectors for cs regressions
stom({%subrets}, {%subretsm})
matrix(!len_ts, !num_f + 1) {%subgamma}

'Matrix specification for r square, adjusted r square and residuals
matrix(1,612) {%subrsqure}
matrix(1,612) {%subr}
matrix(1,612) {%sube}

for !i= 1 to !length-!window+1-!step step !step
smpl @first+!i-1 @first+!i+!window-2

' calculate betas from ts regressions of portfolio/asset returns on market returns
matrix(!num_p, !num_f) {%subbhat}
matrix(1,!num_p) rs
for !k=1 to !num_p
equation {%subbetaeq}.ls {%subrets}(!k) c {%subfacs}
for !m=1 to !num_f
{%subbhat}(!k, !m) = @coefs(!m + 1)
close {%subbetaeq}
delete {%subbetaeq}

' loop through each time unit and store the results in gamma
for !h=!i+!window-1 to !i+!window-1+12

call fmb(!num_p, !num_f, {%subretsm}, {%subbhat}, !h, {%subgamma},{%subrsqure},{%subr},{%sube})

smpl @first @last

' fill in the summary table for gamma
mtos({%subgamma}, {%subgammag})
freeze({%subgamma_summary}) {%subgammag}.stats
{%subgamma_summary}.insertrow(21, 2)
setcell({%subgamma_summary}, 22, 1, " t-stat", "l")
for !i=1 to !num_f+1
{%subgamma_summary}(22, !i+1) = @val({%subgamma_summary}(6, !i+1)) _
/ (@val({%subgamma_summary}(10, !i+1)) / @sqrt(@val({%subgamma_summary}(20, !i+1))))
setcell({%subgamma_summary}, 4, !i+1, "gamma_" + @str(!i-1), "c")
setline({%subgamma_summary}, 23)

' what are the coefficients using average returns (for comparison)?
vector(!num_p) {%subavgretv} = @cmeans({%subretsm})
pagecreate(page={%subtemp}) u !num_p
copy {%startpage}\{%subavgretv} {%subavgretv}
mtos({%subavgretv}, avgrets)
copy {%startpage}\{%subbhat} {%subbhat}
mtos({%subbhat}, bhatg)
rename ser* beta*
group betag beta*
equation {%subcsavg}.ls(cov=hac) avgrets c betag
copy {%subcsavg} {%startpage}\{%subcsavg}
pageselect {%startpage}

' put everything together
spool {%subresults}
{%subresults}.append {%subgamma_summary}
{%subresults}.append {%subcsavg}
!sp_num = {%subresults}.@count
!run_num = !sp_num / 2
%last_unt = {%subresults}.@objname(!sp_num)
%penl_unt = {%subresults}.@objname(!sp_num - 1)
%last_nme = "csavg_" + @str(!run_num)
%penl_nme = "gamma_summary_" + @str(!run_num)
%last_dsp = "CS Average Regression " + @str(!run_num)
%penl_dsp = "Gamma Summary " + @str(!run_num)
%last_cmt = " Returns: " + %retnames + "\n Factors: " + %factors
%penl_cmt = " Returns: " + %retnames + "\n Factors: " + %factors
{%subresults}.name %penl_unt %penl_nme
{%subresults}.name %last_unt %last_nme
{%subresults}.displayname %penl_nme %penl_dsp
{%subresults}.displayname %last_nme %last_dsp
{%subresults}.comment %penl_nme %penl_cmt
{%subresults}.comment %last_nme %last_cmt
{%subresults}.options titles displaynames comments

' display the matrix of betas from ts regressions (added 20141630 RE)
{%subbhat}.displayname Betas from timeseries regressions

' clean up the wf
pagedelete {%subtemp}
delete {%subretsm}
'delete {%subbhat}
%ggser = {%subgammag}.@members
delete {%ggser}
delete {%subgammag}
delete {%subrets}
delete {%subfacs}
delete {%subavgretv}
delete {%subcsavg}
delete {%subgamma_summary}

EViews Gareth
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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby EViews Gareth » Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:07 pm

Code: Select all

vector e1=(retvec-yhat)
e(1,j)= e1

You're assigning a vector to a single element of a matrix.
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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby Maverick » Tue Aug 12, 2014 4:25 am

Okey thanks! But I have tried different values for the matrix. My sample contains 30 dependent variables and a time series of 612 observations, I further have 5 independent variables. Since the second regression is cross-sectional it should be 30 rows and 612 columns for the total sample but for all my attempts I get the same error message which is "a non-numeric value is signed to matrix"...It seems as the probles is with (retvec - yhat). Even when I only assign matrix e = yhat or e=retvec I get the same error message, I don't understand why since I used both vectors to create adjusted r square so it should work?

Also what do you think about the rolling part of the code? Is it correct?

EViews Gareth
Fe ddaethom, fe welon, fe amcangyfrifon
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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby EViews Gareth » Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:20 am

I see nothing wrong.
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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby Akira1 » Thu Aug 21, 2014 6:29 pm

I'm using the add-in to regress assets vs. three factors (Fama-French) but I don't get the spool... It keeps appearing: "Matrix-Vector index is out of range in 'VECTOR RETVEC = @TRANSPOSE(@ROWEXTRACT(RM, J))' in FAMA-MACBETH.PRG".

Does anyone knows what might be happening here?

I also don't have a clue how can I consolidate data to reach my E(Ri).. I mean, I should multiply bhats times gammas?
Fama French3.WF1
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EViews Rebecca
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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby EViews Rebecca » Fri Aug 22, 2014 11:04 am

Your "tk" series have NAs in them. As I've mentioned before, the add-in will not work if your series have NAs.

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Re: Fama-MacBeth regression

Postby fan » Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:59 pm

I am new to EViews. I am now trying to run Fama-MacBeth regression with my own data on the 25 portfolios. I followed the example however, I got the error message says " RESID not allowed. Generate another series equal to RESID in "EQUATION {%SUBRETS}(26) C FACS02". Could anyone tell me what went wrong and how I can fix it? Thank you for your help

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