panel cointegration test... please help!

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panel cointegration test... please help!

Postby sljw » Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:14 pm

Hi everyone,

I'm doing a panel study with a cross section of 21 countries for 11 years. I'm trying to estimate y= (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) with

y= I(0)
X1= I(0)
X2= I(1)
X3= I(1)
X4= I(1)
X5= I(1)
X6= I(0)
X7= I(0)

I thought of using the Larsson cointegration test for this since its based on the Johansen test but I found this to be impossible since I lack observations.

Is there any other cointegration test that I can use and would be appropriate for my study?

Thanks! :)

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