Code: Select all
'create some data
create u 100
series y=nrnd
series x1=nrnd
series x2=nrnd
series z=nrnd
'run rolling regression
' set window size
!window = 20
' set step size
!step = 1
' get size of workfile
!length = @obsrange
' declare equation for estimation
equation eq1
'calculate number of rolls
!nrolls = @floor((!length-!window)/!step)
'matrix to store coefficient estimates
matrix(3,!nrolls) coefmat ' where 3 is the number of coefficients
'series to store forecast estimates
series fcast
'redundant series for catching start and end points
series ser = 1
%start = @otod(@ifirst(ser))
%end = @otod(@ilast(ser))
'variable keeping track of how many rolls we've done
' move sample !step obs at a time
for !i = 1 to !length-!window+1-!step step !step
' set sample for estimation period
%first = @otod(@dtoo(%start)+!i-1)
%last = @otod(@dtoo(%start)+!i+!window-2)
smpl {%first} {%last}
' estimate equation - where the equation is y=c(1) + c(2)*x1 + c(3)*x2 y c x1 x2
' store coefficients
' 4-period-ahead forecast
%4pers = @otod(@dtoo(%start)+!i+!window-1) 'start point
%4pere = @otod(@dtoo(%start)+!i+!window+2) 'end point: %4pere - %4pers +1 = 4
if {%end} < {%4pere} then 'check whether the forecast end point is greater than the workfile end point
' set smpl for forecasting period
smpl {%4pers} {%4pere}
' forecast with command *forecast* (see also *fit*)
eq1.forecast(f=na) yf
' set sampl to obtain the 4th period observation
smpl {%4pere} {%4pere}
' store forecasts
fcast = yf
smpl @all
show coefmat
show fcast.line
d(noerr) ser
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