Relationship between variable numbers in PCA eigenvalue table and variable names in the Eigenvectors (loadings) table

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Relationship between variable numbers in PCA eigenvalue table and variable names in the Eigenvectors (loadings) table

Postby pharoh » Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:34 pm


I was wondering whether variable numbers in the PCA eigenvalue table correspond to the variable names in the Eigenvectors (loadings) table, e.g., is variable #1 in the former table the first variable name in the first column of the latter table? Thank you.

EViews Glenn
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Re: Relationship between variable numbers in PCA eigenvalue table and variable names in the Eigenvectors (loadings) tabl

Postby EViews Glenn » Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:48 am

The columns represent the variable loadings for each component, so yes, though PC1, PC2 aren't the most informative names.

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